Jumat, 05 Oktober 2018

1st Inge's Diary

Saturday, 29th September 2018

I had the best day ever today. I woke up this morning, the sun was shining through the curtains. At 10.30 I went to campus for consultation with my lecture about minithesis. What do you feel, if you never meet with your lecture after never consultation? Haha it's so nervous. The lecture given many revision 😂.
Wow, fighting inge!

At 11.00 it was lunch time. I had lunch with laksita. The menu was my favorite food, soto and iced tea. Next, I prayed dhuhur and studied english with Mr. David. Mr. David is similiar with my brother. But the different is his body. Maybe my brother is fat than Mr. David. Hehe.
Next guys....... Mr. David told in our class that we must wrote diary in our blog. Because of this I wrote my diary in this blog. It's the first for I wrote diary, after long time ago I wrote diary (at Elementary School) 😢

The study ended and I came home and my friend told me that we were going out to the cinema. We had a fantastic time! I think enough. I hope tomorrow is just be good!

Thankyou 💕

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